Commemorative grants to honour Australian veterans


The Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) provides grants through the Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program. These grants involve people around the country in projects that commemorate our wartime heritage.

Grant categories

DVA provides two categories of grants under the Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program.

1. Saluting Their Service - Community Grants (STS-CG)

Grants to a maximum of $10,000 are available for local, community-based projects and activities.

Examples of eligible projects

  • Development of a digital honour roll.
  • Restoration of an honour board.
  • Purchase of a cabinet to display military memorabilia.
  • Installation of a flagpole to display the Australian National Flag on days of commemoration.

2. Saluting Their Service - Major Grants (STS-MG)

Grants between $10,001 and $150,000 are available for major commemorative projects and activities that are significant from a national, state, territory or regional perspective.

Projects and activities relating to all wars, conflicts and peace operations are eligible. Anzac Centenary Period (2014-2018) focused on the Armistice of World War I. Projects and activities that commemorate later wars, conflicts and peace operations are now encouraged.

Examples of eligible projects

  • Construction of a new memorial to commemorate Australian service personnel killed whilst serving in the Australian Defence Force in Afghanistan.
  • Construction of an interactive memorial walking track dedicated to Australian service personnel from the Vietnam war.
  • Development of a digital honour roll and interpretive signage to commemorate the history of service personnel from a particular region.
  • Publication of a book commemorating Australian service personnel from the Malayan Emergency.
  • Development of a documentary commemorating Australian Prisoners of War.

How to apply for a grant

You must apply online via the Australian Government website GrantConnect.

After we have made a decision on your application, we'll notify you by email.

If successful, we'll contact you to arrange a funding agreement. Once an agreement is in place, you'll receive the funds for your commemorative project.

A final report and acquittal process will take place when the project is finished.

Application checklist

  • Have I read all the information on the Community Grants Hub?
  • Am I applying for the correct type of grant?
  • Have I described in detail what my project will look like?
  • Have I talked to the relevant community stakeholders about my project?
  • Have I thought about possible heritage considerations?

Last updated:

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DVA (Department of Veterans' Affairs) ( ), Commemorative grants to honour Australian veterans, DVA Anzac Portal, accessed 28 February 2025,
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