Great War memories

When the United Kingdom declared war on Germany in 1914, Australia willingly joined to support the British Empire. Over 400,000 Australians served in the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force (AN&MEF) and the Australian Imperial Force (AIF), many as volunteers. Of those people, around 330,000 sailors, soldiers, airmen and nurses served in overseas military campaigns. People back home in Australia also felt the hardship of wartime service. World War I had a lasting impact on Australia and its citizens. It became known as 'the Great War'. During the Anzac Centenary of 2014-18, the Department of Veterans' Affairs created Great War Memories. A team of historians worked across many Australian towns to gather mementos of the war. You can read these Australian stories, told through objects and places that are special to each community. Find and visit commemorative sites near you.


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