A commemorative service held at Long Tan by 6RAR/NZ (ANZAC) troops, 3 years after the battle. Playing the pipes are (left) Cpl David Newland of Gosnells, WA and Cpl Gordon Black of Belmont, NSW. Men who served in 6RAR’s first tour and who fought at Long Tan are from left: Cpl Richard Brown of Qld; Lance Cpl Malcolm Campbell of WA; Cpl Reilly of Auchenflower, Q; Sgt John Beere of SA; and Cpl William O’Rourke of Victoria, a member of the cavalry troop which brought relief forces to the battle. From right: Cpl Bill Roche of NSW; Cpl Brian Halls of Qld; Cpl George Richardson of Kelloe, UK and Sgt Neil Rankin of NSW. 18 August 1969. AWM EKN/69/0085/VN
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