Jason Rogalewski-Slade - A small UN footprint

Running time
1 min
Department of Veterans' Affairs


Well, when you have a look at the footprint of the UN, we're very small, to be honest. The Brits and the Canadians in the stadium, they went into the logistics, and they were maybe 1000 people, if that. Compared to the population, we were a very small footprint so we can only do as much as we could do. I'd run vehicle checkpoints, I'd try and do as much presence as I could, but it's pretty hard with one armoured vehicle and an infantry section.

But we would try our best to have a presence and say, "Look, we're trying to make your country safe." Now bear in mind, that's in Kigali. The rest of the country, we weren't there unless we went out. We did go out and do like a... Out to the NGO camps or went to Kibeho for two weeks toward the end. So we did try to get out as much as we could to the countryside to do a bit of intel, bit of treatment camps, but also just to say, "Look, we're here and it's safe to go back to your village and the war's over, or genocides over so."

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