AWM ART26266

A painting depicting a woman looking across a table at a man, there is a tray of cigarettes and plate of biscuits on the table.

D-Day, 0300 hours, interrogation hut, Warrant Officer George Lindenberg, Stella Bowen, 1944–1945. The Australian War Memorial's caption to this Stella Bowen painting describes the scene as taking place inside a Nissan hut, with a WAAF officer across a table from Warrant Officer George Lindenberg DFC of No. 460 Squadron RAAF. In the background another WAAF debriefs a bomber crew. In February 1944 Australian artist Stella Bowen, then aged 50 and living in England, accepted a commission as a war artist from the Australian War Memorial to paint the activities of the RAAF in Britain. This commission led to some moving and dramatic canvases, conveying her deep sense of the strain and tragedy of Bomber Command's war. ['The Day of Liberation Dawns in Europe', The Canberra Times, 7 June 1944; AWM ART26266, oil on canvas, 63.5 x 83.8 cm]

AWM ART26266
Place made
London, England

Copyright expired - public domain

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