Glossary of terms
pillbox | a small building made of concrete used to defend a place in a battle |
pinnace | a small boat carried on a large ship, used to carry goods and people from the ship to the shore |
plateau | a large area of high and fairly flat land |
plebiscite | a direct vote by the people of a country or region in which they say whether they agree or disagree with a particular policy |
posthumous | something that happens after a person's death but relates to something they did before they died |
prisoners of war | a person who is held captive by a belligerent power, such as their enemy, during or after an armed conflict |
promontory | a cliff or high point of land that points out into the sea |
propaganda | biased information that a country or political organisation broadcasts or publishes to influence people |
Protection Acts | state-based laws of the 1800s and 1900s that forced First Australians to live under the control of a legal protector who managed many aspects of their lives, such as employment and marriage |
Protectorate | a state that is controlled and protected by another |
Protestant | a Christian who belongs to the branch of the Christian church that separated from the Catholic Church in the 16th century |
protocol | a system of rules about the correct way to act in formal situations |
quarantine | method of keeping some people or animals separate from others for a set period of time, usually to prevent spread of disease in a population |
rating | a junior enlisted member of a navy who is not a warrant officer or commissioned officer |
recolonise | to colonise a foreign place again, by living there and taking control of it |
reconnaissance | an activity to obtain military information about a place by sending soldiers or planes there or by using satellite data |
referendum | a national vote for people to decide whether or not they agree with a policy |
refugee | a person forced to leave their country or homeland because of war or their political or religious beliefs |
Reichsmark | standard monetary unit of Germany between 1924 and 1948 |
reinforcements | extra people in a military force who are sent to help or to replace those who have been killed or wounded |
rendezvous | a meeting place that's been arranged between 2 or more people, often in secret |
reparation | a sum of money paid after a war by the defeated country for the damage and injuries it caused in other countries |
repatriation | returning a veteran home after they have been injured, become sick or been killed in another country; also refers to returning a military force when conflict has ceased |
reservist | soldier who is not serving in the regular army of a country, but can be called to serve when needed |
sabotage | to deliberately damage or destroy an object during a war |
salient | a battlefield feature or bulge that projects into enemy territory, making troops vulnerable to enemy troops on multiple sides |
salvage | to save useful or valuable items from a damaged ship or building |
salvo | the firing of several guns or missiles at the same time in a battle |
sanctions | measures taken by countries to restrict trade and official contact with a country that has broken international law |
sapper | a soldier whose job is to do building, digging and similar construction work |
scapegoat | a person who is publicly blamed for something bad that has happened, even though it was not their fault |
screening | a military tactic that uses either a body of cavalry to screen the advance of an attacking infantry force or a naval force to protect the main body of ships |
scuttle | to sink a ship deliberately |
separatist | a person who wants their own separate government or is involved in separatist activities |
serge | a strong woollen cloth used to make clothes, such as nurses' uniform dresses |
shell | a metal container full of an explosive substance and fired from a large gun; (verb) to fire shells at something from a large gun - shelled, shelling, shellfire |
shell shock | a confused or nervous mental condition of people who have been under fire in a war |
shrapnel | consists of small pieces of metal that are scattered from exploding bombs or shells |
siege | a military tactic where soldiers surround a place in an attempt to force its people to come out or give up control of the place |
signaller | a radio or telephone operator in the armed forces who relays messages from the battle field to headquarters, governments or non-government organisations |
skirmish | a small short-lived military battle |
smoke shell | a shell filled with white phosphorus fired by artillery to screen advancing troops |
sniper | a person who shoots at people from a hidden position |
Somme | a river in northern France where battles took place during World War I |
sovereignty | the power a country has to govern itself or another country or state |
squalor | very dirty, unpleasant conditions |
stalemate | a military situation where two opposing forces find that further action is either impossible or pointless |
stall | a compartment in a stable or shed for confining or feeding an animal |
Stolen Generations | describes the children of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent who were forcibly removed from their families from the mid-1800s to the 1970s under various federal and state laws |
strafe | to attack a place from an aircraft by flying low and firing a lot of bullets - also 'ground strafing' |