Glossary of terms

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a junior enlisted member of a navy who is not a warrant officer or commissioned officer


to colonise a foreign place again, by living there and taking control of it


an activity to obtain military information about a place by sending soldiers or planes there or by using satellite data


a national vote for people to decide whether or not they agree with a policy


a person forced to leave their country or homeland because of war or their political or religious beliefs


standard monetary unit of Germany between 1924 and 1948


extra people in a military force who are sent to help or to replace those who have been killed or wounded


a meeting place that's been arranged between 2 or more people, often in secret


a sum of money paid after a war by the defeated country for the damage and injuries it caused in other countries


returning a veteran home after they have been injured, become sick or been killed in another country; also refers to returning a military force when conflict has ceased


soldier who is not serving in the regular army of a country, but can be called to serve when needed

Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF)

the official name of the aerial warfare force in Australia since 31 March 1921.

Royal Australian Navy (RAN)

the official name of the naval force in Australia since 10 July 1911; since 1 March 1901, it had been called the Commonwealth Naval Forces.

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