I'm not in the RSL. I joined when I came back to Holsworthy and I went there and they had a very active RSL there, but I'm sitting in there, you might say the induction and the welcome, and most of the guys, this other bloke, "That wasn't a real war." He was quite anti and there were others like that so, well, I really don't belong here and so I've never been a member of the RSL since.
I've sort of had a bit of help here and there with them, I must admit and now that it's pretty well run by Vietnam veterans and other guys, since, there's a chance I might re-join but it sort of blew us out of the water and that's why you had the Vietnam veterans groups started up, they felt just abandoned. In fact, even now, I feel like I'm an Australian outcast and that's why guys have gone bush.