Remembrance Day 11 November


Remembrance Day is one of the most important days on our commemorative calendar. It's a day when we acknowledge those who died or suffered while serving in wars, conflicts and peace operations. Remembrance Day is held on 11 November each year. This is the anniversary of the Armistice of 1918 that ended fighting in World War I. The war didn't officially end until 28 June 1919 with the Treaty of Versailles. People in Australia and many other countries observe one minute's silence at the 11 th hour of the 11 th day of the 11 th month because that's when the Armistice came into effect. It's a time to honour our service personnel who died or suffered in service of Australia.

Planning for the day

We have ready-to-print resources if you’re hosting a local service. Look inside the Remembrance Day Kitbag. It includes the Ode of Remembrance, an order of service, sample speeches, music and craft activities.

Annual poster

Each year, we produce posters for Remembrance Day. Hard copies are available to schools, community groups and ex-service organisations around Australia. Email to request a free poster.

Print your copies to promote your local event. See our latest poster.

National service in Canberra

On Remembrance Day, pause with other Australians at 11 am to remember the service and sacrifice of those who have lost their lives in wars, conflicts and peace operations.

Parade Ground, Australian War Memorial, Canberra

Tuesday 11 November at 10:30 am AEDT

The Australian War Memorial is hosting this service.

Find out about attending the Remembrance Day Service.

Watch the service broadcast live on ABC TV and ABC iView.

State and local services

State services and marches are held in each capital city, as well as towns around the country.

Check Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL) state branch websites for city services:

Contact your local council or RSL sub-branch for an Anzac Day service nearby.

Wearing medals

On commemorative days, you need to know how to wear your medals or your ancestor's medals. Follow advice from the Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL) about wearing medals, rosemary and red poppies.

Other ways to get involved

To commemorate our fallen, you may wish to:

If you can't attend an event on Remembrance Day, simply pause at 11 am, wherever you are, to remember.

Who you'll remember

In the lead-up to Remembrance Day, take a moment to reflect on who you'll be thinking about during the minute's silence. You can share your reflections on social media using the hashtags #RemembranceDay2025 #LestWeForget.

Many Australians have an ancestor or relative who has served in a war, conflict or peace operations. It's often this personal connection that they remember.

If you don't have a personal connection, you can pause in silent reflection on what war has cost Australia and the world.

Script for a public announcement

You might like to announce the minute's silence over a public address (PA) system. Here's a sample script to adapt for an office, school, aged care facility and another local community setting. This script is part of our Remembrance Day Kitbag.

Start the announcement at about 10:58 am so the period of silence falls at 11 am.

Good morning. May I please have your attention?

Today is Remembrance Day, a day of national commemoration. On this day at 11 am, Australians pause in silence for a minute to remember the bravery and sacrifice of the people who lost their lives while serving Australia and its allies in wars, conflicts and peace operations.

It is now time to reflect and to silently remember all those who have served and died in war. Please stand for the Ode, which will be followed by The Last Post, one minute of silence and The Rouse.

They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

Repeat after me: Lest we forget.

[Leave a moment for listeners to repeat 'Lest we forget'.]

[Play The Last Post; 1 minute 30 seconds]

[Pause for one minute of silence.]

[Play The Rouse.]

[Optional] Thank you for your attention.

Download the music for Remembrance Day.

Engagements involving Australians

Since World War I, Australians have been called on many times to serve in wars, conflicts, and peace and humanitarian operations.

Almost 2 million people have worn with pride the uniforms of the Royal Australian Navy, Australian Army and Royal Australian Air Force.

Tragically, over 103,000 names are listed on the Roll of Honour at the Australian War Memorial. Those listed were members of the Australian armed forces who died during their service or afterwards as a result of war service:

  • World War I
  • World War II
  • post-1945 conflicts, warlike service, non-warlike service and certain peace operations

Remembrance Day is a time for Australians to unite in solemn respect and remembrance for all those who died or suffered.

History of Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day was originally called 'Armistice Day', and 2 minutes of silence was observed for the first time at 11 am on 11 November 1919 to remember those who had died.

Prime Minister Billy Hughes said at the time:

Of their deeds it is not necessary for me to speak. Of their valour, endurance and resource at Gallipoli, Pozieres, Baupaume and other famous fields, men still speak with awe.

Hughes put our soldiers' sacrifice into perspective when he added:

Our heritage, our free institutions of government - all that we hold dear - are handed back into our keeping, stained with the blood of sacrifice. Surely not only we, their fellow citizens, but Australians throughout the ages, will treasure forever the memories of those glorious men to whom the Commonwealth owes so much, and will guard with resolute determination the privileges for which they fought and suffered.

After World War II, the Australian Government agreed to the United Kingdom's proposal to rename Armistice Day to 'Remembrance Day', to commemorate and remember those who were killed in both World Wars. Today, we remember the loss of Australian lives from all wars and conflicts.

In 1918, Australia made a promise never to forget the service and sacrifice of 416,000 Australians who enlisted and over 60,000 who died. For over 100 years, we have kept this promise. We remember them still.

A large crowd of people smiling and waving hats and small flags gathered in Martin Place, Sydney, to celebrate news of the signing of the armistice, 11 November 1918.

Last updated:

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DVA (Department of Veterans' Affairs) ( ), Remembrance Day 11 November, DVA Anzac Portal, accessed 28 March 2025,
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