This resource explores the role of the United Nations (UN) and its peace operations around the world. It highlights how Australia has established a strong relationship with the UN through consistent involvement in peacekeeping operations. This resource commemorates the 75th anniversary of Australia's involvement in peacekeeping.
Curriculum notes
Teacher notes
Peace support operations are often divided into 'peacekeeping' (not armed or lightly armed) and 'peace enforcement' (heavily armed), and sometimes into other categories including peacemaking and peacebuilding. In this resource, 'peacekeeping' and 'peacekeeping operation' are used as blanket terms to cover all impartial, multinational, military-based interventions into areas of conflict. Peacekeepers may be military, police or civilians.
Learning intentions
Through these activities students will:
- Be able to name some of the roles and activities of Australian peacekeepers
- Understand the origins of the UN
- Understand the purpose of the UN
- Identify the differences and similarities between peacekeeping, peacemaking, peacebuilding and peace enforcement
- Understand the important role of women in peacekeeping operations
Australian Curriculum
The Peacekeeping and the United Nations digibook and activities have been developed for middle years students, Year 5 to Year 8. The focus is on the Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) and Civics and Citizenship curriculum areas of the Australian Curriculum (Version 8.4). They also link to the General Capabilities in the Australian Curriculum, particularly the Personal and Social Capability section.
The Australian Curriculum 8.4 content descriptors related to this resource are:
HASS Year 5
Knowledge and Understanding: Civics and Citizenship
- Why regulations and laws are enforced and the personnel involved ACHASSK117
- How people with shared beliefs and values work together to achieve a civic goal ACHASSK118
HASS Year 6
Knowledge and Understanding: Civics and Citizenship
- The obligations citizens may consider they have beyond their own national borders as active and informed global citizens ACHASSK148
HASS Year 7
Civics and Citizenship Skills: Problem-solving and decision-making
- Use democratic processes to reach consensus on a course of action relating to a civics or citizenship issue and plan for that action ACHCS058
HASS Year 8
Civics and Citizenship Skills: Problem-solving and decision-making
- Appreciate multiple perspectives and use strategies to mediate differences ACHCS071
- Reflect on their role as a citizen in Australia’s democracy ACHCS074
Using the digibook and workbook
The Peacekeeping and the United Nations digibook is designed to be accessible for a wide range of student abilities and used either independently or in a group. It takes a broad look at the roles of peacekeepers and the objectives of missions.
Student activity pages
There are five student activities to accompany the digibook. They are designed to support further learning about this topic. Teachers may choose one or more activities depending on the requirements of their class. The activities are free to download and print from the Anzac Portal.
1. Commemorative poster
Through this activity students explore commemoration by designing their own poster to acknowledge 75 years of Australia’s involvement in peacekeeping operations. Teachers may choose to run this activity as a competition with the winning poster displayed for the school community.
2. What do peacekeepers do?
In this activity students use a graphic organiser to explore the different jobs that peacekeepers perform. Using the list of jobs provided, students sort the jobs into three key areas: defence force, police and civilians. Some peacekeeping jobs may fall into more than one category. For example, a nurse or a doctor may serve on a peacekeeping mission through the defence force or as a civilian. Students should be encouraged to add their own ideas to the list as well. The United Nations Peacekeeping website may be useful for older readers
3. What skills does a peacekeeper need?
Through this activity students will explore the different skills that peacekeepers need to do their work. The activity can be completed independently or following the What do peacekeepers do? activity. Students will draw conclusions using their knowledge of the workforce and what they have learnt about peacekeepers. Students would benefit from group discussion while working through the activity. Older students may find our veteran interviews helpful.
Teaching sensitivities
Teachers should note that some of the interviews address sensitive and complex aspects of peacekeeping operations. It is advised that teachers select the most appropriate interviews for their students before the lesson begins.
4. Quiz time
This activity is designed to assess student understanding of what they have read in the Peacekeeping and United Nations digibook. Depending on what level of assessment is required, the quiz could be conducted as a fun competition for students as a whole class, in pairs, groups or individually. Question 1 is nice and easy to get everyone started! Answers are provided in the teacher notes PDF file on this page.
5. Peacekeeping at school
Through this activity students use what they have learnt about peacekeeping and apply it to a hypothetical school-based situation to develop their own peacekeeping mission. Students are encouraged to use the UN Peacekeeping model to create a plan for addressing the given situation at school and focusing on peace. The length of the activity depends on how much detail the teacher wishes the students to go into. This activity is best conducted in small groups or as a whole-class lesson.
Teachers should note that while peace enforcers have an important role in peacekeeping operations they are not required in this situation. The aim of this activity is to look at the different roles for the school community to promote and encourage peace.
- Australians have been involved in peacekeeping missions every year since 1947.
- The Australian Government has sent peacekeepers and resources to many UN-led peacekeeping missions.
- Not all operations involving Australian peacekeepers have been led by the UN.
armed carrying a weapon
beret a flat, round cap made of felt or wool
ceasefire an arrangement in which countries or groups of people that are fighting each other agree to stop
charter a document that explains something and has been agreed upon
civilian a person who is not a member of a defence force
conflict an active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles
crisis a time of great danger or trouble
delegates people sent to a place to have talks with other people as representatives of a larger group of people
enforcement to use force to make something happen
hostile feelings of unfriendliness that may lead to violence
humanitarian improving the lives and living conditions of other people
impartial fair and without bias
peace agreement an understanding between 2 or more groups (countries, states or governments) to stop fighting for a period of time
stability being fixed or steady and resistant to change
Links to further information
On our website
Australia's peacekeeping missions since 1947
National Peacekeepers' Day 14 September
Control: Stories of Australian peacekeeping and humanitarian operations
Keeping the peace: Investigating Australia's contribution to peacekeeping
World Wide Effort: Australia's Peacekeepers
External websites
Australians and Peacekeeping - Australian War Memorial
Peacekeeping - Australian War Memorial
The United Nations (UN) website
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.