Long Dien

As the fight for Baria was developing, other Viet Cong troops were moving on nearby Long Dien, some five kilometres to the east. 3RAR's D Company were sent to the village, arriving in armoured personnel carriers on the afternoon of 3 February. South Vietnamese troops had been fighting the Viet Cong since the attacks began and an Army of the Republic of Vietnam Ranger Battalion had been forced to withdraw under heavy fire. The Australians arrived to a series of what the Official Historian called 'minor contacts', but which the Battalion history described as 'heavy sniper fire' as they moved through the village towards the market place. By next morning, with the market place secured, the Australians continued to come under heavy fire. 12 Platoon were engaged in a sharp encounter at the village sawmill but managed to overcome resistance when 11 Platoon joined the fight. Later in the day 11 Platoon suffered 3RAR's first combat death in Vietnam when they were sent to clear the remaining pockets of enemy resistance. After an hour's heavy fighting, as darkness was falling, they were forced to withdraw and took up defensive positions for the night. The next day brought isolated contacts, but the worst of the fighting in Long Dien was over and D Company returned to Nui Dat on the afternoon of 6 February.

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DVA (Department of Veterans' Affairs) ( ), Long Dien, DVA Anzac Portal, accessed 28 February 2025, https://anzacportal.dva.gov.au/wars-and-missions/vietnam-war-1962-1975/events/tet-offensive/long-dien
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