The inadequacy played on my mind and changed my life actually. So I feel that when I was there, we did a lot of humanitarian work. And there were people saying, "Oh, look, we are just putting a band aid on it and we're not really making a big difference."
But I guess I just felt the fact that we were there, we were part of the UN, our presence should enable something positive to come out of this. And I didn't know what that was. But I just felt that we were here, we made a difference to a lot of people's lives, some in a lot more ways than others, like saving lives. But I think we gave a lot of hope as in not just my contingent, but the UN's presence there.
I know that they'd been let down by the UN before, but I saw the fact that we were there as a good thing. As I said, I think we changed some people's lives for the positive in a big way. We can only do so much, but I look on it as a worthwhile what we did there.